Spiritual Warfare Hinders our Prayer-life

Posted By Timothy Burns on Apr 22, 2014 |

Spiritual warfare is as real as the sunlight and rain. Sometimes spiritual war appears through the unknowing actions of others. Sometimes spiritual warfare is in our own minds, bodies or attitudes. Just like Satan’s temptation of Adam and Even in the garden, spiritual war is designed to take our eyes off God’s promises and blessings, and put our focus on our own desires, lusts or ambitions or fears.

The bible refers to these as:

  • The lust of the flesh: centered in the sensual and sexual desires.
  • The lust of the eyes: centered in what we want to have, possess
  • The pride of life: centered in how we compare to others, and how we feel about ourselves, and our emotions

Spiritual war is active, and designed to pull you away from God’s best. We don’t’ have to be consumed with looking for demons under every bush, but we should be away of his tactics, and know his purpose. Then we can be more aware of how to stand in God’s purposes and fight a good fight of faith.

The 3D’s of Spiritual warfare:

Deception: In the Garden, Satan’s approach was to deliberately misquote God’s word to get Adam and Eve to disobey God’s commands. (Gen 3.1-5)

Direct, deliberate opposition: As Daniel prayed, God sent an angelic messenger to answer him. The angel was withstood for three weeks before he defeated the enemy, and carried out God’s will. (Dan 10.1-6)

Our own Desires: The heart of lust is our own selfish hearts. We have to be honest with God and with ourselves when we’re full of ourselves rather than God’s spirit. (James 1.14)

What you should know:

The Devil comes to steal, kill and destroy John 10.10

Building the kingdom is working against spiritual darkness: Luke 10.18

Jesus said some spiritual opposition is overcome only with prayer and fasting. Mt 17.21

We live in a physical world that has an unseen spiritual reality. The spiritual world is just as real as what we see, feel, taste, smell and hear every day, yet it is invisible to our natural senses.  Not all, but much of Jesus’ ministry was “casting out demons” and this unseen world will oppose Christ-followers when we set our hearts to pursue him and build his kingdom.

Being aware of the reality of the spiritual realm is the first step. Asking God through prayer to overcome spiritual forces in your life will help you become more aware, and tune you into God’s work in this way.

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