
In his short books toward the end of the New Testament, the Apostle John weaves his ideas around one or two ideas. The first is the connection between loving God and obeying God’s Word. The second is a bit thornier, and puts an uncomfortable magnifying glass over the top of Christ-followers relationship with the world around us. He writes: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the...

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In the 15th century, Martin Luther wanted to renew genuine worship. For centuries monks had kept the scriptures and sacred music locked away in cold stone churches and monasteries. After the printing press put the Gutenberg bible back in the hands of the common man in the 1450’s, Luther worked to put worship back in the hands, and minds of the common man to fuel the revival that swept Europe, and fueled the Protestant Reformation....

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A writing friend, Jeff Goins, recently wrote that he believes God can only bless or redeem. In other words, every time God reaches out of eternity and disturbs the water of our time-bound lives, he has one of two purposes in mind, to bless or to redeem. Through these two filters we understand the everything that ever happen in our lives: “This was supposed to happen. So I can be grateful for it.” “This wasn’t...

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Grace and Holiness Christians walk in a place of grace. I don’t earn God’s love, favor or attention by the things that I do. He gives his love freely because he genuinely, deeply and eternally loves us. No, I don’t earn God’s love or affection. I can’t buy my entrance into heaven by what I do. Yet I demonstrate how much his love has transformed me by the things that I pursue. I don’t earn God’s love. I show God how much I am, or am...

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Do You Need an Editor, Part II

Do You Need an Editor, Part II

Posted By on Dec 28, 2013

(This is part two in a series on the importance of editors for today’s authors from editor Susan Malone) So where does that leave you, the writer in need of a manuscript editor?  Adrift in a sea of editors and editing services, that’s where.  This has been a consistent thread in many of the writing forums I visit, and almost everybody out there is, well, confused.  So let’s sift through what’s out there and then see what fits...

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Do You Need an Editor?

Do You Need an Editor?

Posted By on Dec 23, 2013

All writers need good editors.  Even successfully published authors need “outside eyes” to help perfect their work (and many more understand this than do unpublished folks).  Once upon a time, a writer would work with her editor at a publishing house to make the book the best it could be, and to further the author’s career as a writer. Well, Dorothy, that was before the tornado blew through town. The business has of course changed....

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When Jesus started his ministry, his approach upset his followers’ well worn assumptions of their God. His audience commonly believed that a person’s life circumstances were an accurate indicator of their righteousness. Wealthy people were blessed, and therefore holier than the poor. Those who were physically impaired, such as the blind or leprous were considered wicked. After all, the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy 28 taught that...

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If you’re a Christ-follower, you’re called to communicate unchanging truth to a continually evolving world.  This dynamic tension strains our ability to stay relevant.   Yet Jesus’ final desire and command were for his followers to create disciples, and thus change the culture.  Mark’s gospel says “Go into the world and preach to every creature, baptizing them. . .” (Mark 16.15)  John recalls Jesus said “as the Father sent me, now I...

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At a recent writing conference, I overheard a few new writers lamenting the new reality of the publishing marketplace. With the shift from traditional publishers to self publishing, and the abundance of tools available to the author who is committed to their own marketing, traditional publishers are accepting fewer new book manuscripts. Many of them are focusing only on their established authors, which from the surface, makes it...

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Many aspiring writers long for the day they can write full time. I have to confess, that’s one of my dreams, and after 12 years of building a writing career, I am getting close. As the fall colors fill the trees here in Northern Michigan, I’m looking ahead and beginning to lay financial projections for next year. Even though Jesus sent his disciples out two by two, without a spare coat or coin purse, he also applauded wise...

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