Website Renovation

Social Media Campaign

Social Media Branding and Crisp Web Content

Facebook, social media, and blogging platforms such as WordPress and Google’s Blogger have changed your website’s visitors’ expectations of your website. An effective website must include new content, up-to-date business information, and a way to make a personal connection between yourself, your business, brand, and customers.

To bring a stale website back to life, contact Timothy Burns for a complimentary website review. Together you will spend thirty minutes evaluating your current site and identifying current priorities for your online presence. The goal of this interview is to identify whether your current website is serving your business goals. The next step is a formal S.W.O.T. analysis.  Tim will evaluate the:

  • Strengths of your website.
  • Weaknesses as compared to current technology, social media integration, and search engine visibility.
  • Opportunities you have to improve your site and compete shoulder-to-shoulder with others setting the pace in your market and business sector.
  • Tune-up recommendations. Based on your budget, and the goals of your website, the S.W.O.T. analysis concludes with a cafeteria style list of options.  Everything from ghost blogging, active social media campaign management, and pro-active SEO management.

Together we will evaluate the suitability of blogging platform software, develop a social media strategy, and identify the goal for your online presence.